James Ensor, “The Bad Doctors,” 1892. (For the record: doctors are good. We just like this painting.)

Please Stay Home Sale: 25% Off Everything.

We hope you’re hanging in there. These are strange days indeed. While many record heads are no strangers to social distancing, this is obviously much more dire. We won’t contribute to the armchair speculation—we encourage everyone to follow the advice of the experts (the medical experts, that is), and please hunker down at home to slow the spread of this pandemic and do your part to protect the vulnerable among us. Pick up the phone and call a friend or family member to check in and urge them to do the same.

Like you, we are feeling powerless and scared. So we’d like to do what we can, in our small way, to encourage your homebodying and mental health by helping to provide some discounted quarantine entertainment. Playing records at home is a safe way to combat anxiety and avoid the endless media churn. It’s also a substantive way to support the artists whose livelihoods are threatened by the many necessary tour and festival cancellations.

So through Friday, March 27, use the coupon code STAYHOME during checkout from the PoB webstore or Bandcamp for 25% off everything. No exceptions.

Please stay home, turn your stereo up, and wash those hands well and often. We will keep ours clean and ship your orders as soon as we can.

Please note that orders that include James Elkington‘s Ever-Roving Eye (out April 3) won’t ship until approximately March 30. Also, we are repressing Jake Xerxes Fussell‘s self-titled 2015 debut LP, produced by William Tyler, which we hope to ship within the next few weeks, barring further pandemic delays.

Once this all passes and it’s safe to do so, please visit your local record store and go see a show.




Dante Gabriel Rossetti, “Washing Hands,” 1865.

New Video Diversions from James Elkington and Nap Eyes