Mind Over Mirrors

Mind Over Mirrors Share “Zeitgebers” via The Quietus.

Mind Over Mirrors will release their massive new double album Bellowing Sun on April 6th. After premiering the first single “Matchstick Grip” with NPR Music, today the band shares their second single “Zeitgebers,” defined by an exuberant kosmische pulse, via The Quietus.

Mind Over Mirrors Announces Bellowing Sun + Shares “Matchstick Grip” via NPR.

Commissioned by the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago for its world premiere performance, Bellowing Sun is a twelve-faceted sonic inquiry into celestial cycles and the illuminating nature of darkness, the majestic culmination of composer, harmoniumist, and synthesist Jaime Fennelly’s immersive explorations of the natural world’s sensory dimensions and the dialogues between musical traditions. Hear “Matchstick Grip” via NPR.

Mind Over Mirrors: Bellowing Sun (PoB-040)

A twelve-faceted sonic inquiry into celestial cycles and the illuminating nature of darkness, Bellowing Sun is the majestic culmination of Jaime Fennelly’s immersive explorations of the natural world’s sensory dimensions. Commissioned by the MCA Chicago for its world premiere performance, and recorded with John McEntire (Tortoise), it features Janet Beveridge Bean (Freakwater), Jim Becker (Iron and Wine), and Jon Mueller (Death Blues).

Mind Over Mirrors Presents Bellowing Sun Trailer.

APRIL 2018 // MIND OVER MIRRORS // PARADISE OF BACHELORS // MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART CHICAGO // “For a moment of night we have a glimpse of ourselves and of our world islanded in its stream of stars, pilgrims of mortality, voyaging between horizons, across eternal seas of space and time.” – Henry Beston, The Outermost House (1928)

Mind Over Mirrors: Undying Color Release Day + Our First 100 Days.

If you require a mind-expanding tonic to our national spell of ignorant, truculent insanity, the new Mind Over Mirrors album Undying Color is available today in your favorite record shops and online merchants, digital and physical alike. Listen, read critical acclaim for the album, learn about Secretly Group’s Our First 100 Days Project, and catch up on current and upcoming PoB tours.

Stream Mind Over Mirrors’ Undying Color via The Quietus.

Mind Over Mirrors will release their expansive new album of ecstatic drones inspired by the cyclical patterns of the natural world next week. Today The Quietus is streaming the album in full alongside an interview with Mind Over Mirrors mastermind Jaime Fennelly, who discusses expanding the project’s line-up to a full ensemble and how he settled on the album’s title.

The Wire, Uncut, MOJO, & Record Collector on Mind over Mirrors.

UK magazines The Wire, Uncut, MOJO, and Record Collector have joined the chorus of critical acclaim for the artistry of Mind Over Mirrors and forthcoming release Undying Color, on which Jaime Fennelly and his cohort (including members of Circuit des Yeux, Eleventh Dream Day, Califone, and Volcano Choir) further explore the horizons of their sprawling and shimmering soundscapes.

Mind Over Mirrors Shares “To the Edges” via XLR8R.

Mind Over Mirrors has shared “To The Edges,” a strobing, drone-centric track from Undying Color, via XLR8R. Featuring drifting wails from vocalists Haley Fohr (Circuit des Yeux) and Janet Bean (Eleventh Dream Day), as well as percussionist Jon Mueller, it showcases the unique combination of Indian pedal harmonium and analog synthesizer that makes Jaime Fennelly’s music so singular. Don’t miss the Chicago release show at Constellation on March 3.